Tuesday, March 01, 2005


    Joe Lieberman Sunday proposed evicting Russia from the G-8 Summit until they return to being a democracy once again. Reaction was mixed. John Kerry called it a ridiculous idea, and then added that he wholeheartedly endorses it.
    ~Argus Hamilton

    French president Jacques Chirac dined with President Bush on Monday. All the formalities were observed. The place setting was arranged in the traditional French manner placing forks on the left, spoons on the right and knives in the back.
    ~Argus Hamilton

    Doug Wead, a former Assembly of God minister who was Bush's contact for the Evangelical community, secretly taped President Bush's phone conversations for like three years. Turns out the guy, he said he thought it was moral to record someone who was destined for greatness. That's the same excuse Paris Hilton's boyfriend used.
    ~Jay Leno

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