Saturday, October 30, 2004

He must have been on vacation

So Osama bin Laden's newest home movie is out skipping theaters and going right to TV before the election, Michael Moore must be jealous. Anyways, this time he has confirmed that his heart is still thumping, not by citing the thousand KIAs in Iraq but by naming the Dem hopeful by name, I couldn't tell from the tape if he was wearing a JFK campaign button or not.
What is interesting, and I haven't ound mentioned yet, is that he seems more willing to end the Jihad on America. With the first few tapes he was all threats to the rest of the world and talking smack the best you can expect an Arab to do. Last year he tried to split the coalition apart by singling out America and promising no attacks against any other nations if they stayed out of the rumble (the Spaniards showed the rest of the world what they're made of didn't they?). Now he's like, if you just leave the Muslims alone we'll call it a draw America.
Dude, YOU tried to pick a fight with us for almost a full decade, we've only been after you for a few short years. Payback is coming...

To be absolutely honest, what I feel really bad about
is that I don't feel worse. That's the ineffectual liberal's problem in a
~Michael Frayn; Observer (Aug. 1965)

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