Sunday, December 26, 2004

    All this hooey about the "sanctity of human life" might sound fine on an episode of Touched By An Angel, but the fact is that women are better off without fetuses squirming around inside them. Think of all the mothers who have had to give up their careers to raise children. Think of all the women who can't march in anti-Bush protests because they're too pregnant to walk ten feet. Think of the poor helpless teenage girl who has to refrain from casual sex with complete strangers for NINE WHOLE MONTHS because of one little mistake. So many lives wasted and ruined because of a inanimate lump of goo.
    ~Liberal Larry; Liberal Larry's Big Bag O' Hatemail

    They asked Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld about  the low food supply on the international space station, and he said, "Well, you go with the food you got, not with the food you want."
    ~David Letterman

    Male fish in Maryland have been found growing eggs. Environmentalists blame pollution, Republicans blame gay marriage.
    ~Jake Novak

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