Sunday, December 12, 2004

Early Odds On 2008

Early Odds for 2008 Presidential Election

Here's a look at the very early odds for party nominations:

Rudy Guiliani20.8
John McCain19.4
Bill Owens14.6
Bill Frist13.6
Jeb Bush9.4


Hillary Clinton34.6
Evan Bayh14.9
Bill Richardson8.6
Chris Dodd8.0
John Edwards8.0

( buy prices)

After nominations, the Democratic Candidate is slightly favored 51.0/49.0

Interestingly, Colin Powell is listed as both a potential Republican and a potential Democratic nominee. His Democratic ticket has yet to produce any gambling action but did get me thinking that theoretically he could be nominated by BOTH parties. Not going to happen with Powell, but what if there was a candidate so popular that he was the favorite for both parties? My guess is that it would lead to one of the parties splitting and would be a disaster.

I have some words of advice for the former first lady: Remember the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
~Kathleen Willey

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