One thing I absolutely love to do is play turn-based chess online. I have a friend who leans about as far left politically as I do right, over the years we have become good friends none-the-less and have had some heated, yet humorous, arguments while playing in the "black and white jungle". I present to you a conversation we had last March, enjoy:
Saddam and Osama were diametrically opposed to each other. Saddam was for a right wing secular state and Osama was for a religious state. They never saw eye to eye, they hated each other's guts.
The right has to try much harder if that's the best it can come up with.
Then why is binny so interested in getting troops out of Iraq via changing Spain's elections? If Osama and Hussein were opposed he would be silent on it as it distracts from bombing his ass but the truth is many Al Qaeda training camps are being busted up over there.
binny will eventually be found cowering somewhere like his buddy was. Maybe we'll make them cell mates in a few years... they can get married :)
Osama wants the troops out so he can work towards a religious state instead of a secular one. The change in Spain's govt is a byproduct of the bombing. I don't think he thought the Govt would have changed at all. Even without the bombings I think the Govt would have fallen. 90% of Spaniards didn't want to grovel to W and US interests. They got dragged into a war to support AmeriKa's oil interests. They're not stupid and they've proved it in this election.
My prediction - Great Britain will also leave AmeriKa, the European Union will be seen as a threat by the USA, Australia will also distance itself from AmeriKa, B1 will become world leader.
Does that mean Austria, Sweden, and Greece will be turning right? They've all taken big steps in the right's direction lately.
My prediction is that Those three countries will jump right as well as Spain who will soon be reminded why they overthrew the socialists in the 80s real soon.
The world wand's freedom my friend, their getting smarter and won't be bamboozled by the socialist white castles any longer :)
Yes the world wants freedom. I couldn't agree more. Now all YOU have to do is convince AmeriKa not to interfere with those freedoms. All the populist movements all around the world have been towards the left. All the military dictatorships have been towards the right. Now what does that tell you?
Military is a government institution so they are naturally left leaning. The freedom afterward, less government, less laws, less restrictions... that's right leaning :)
Less Govt, less laws, total anarchy. You can have it. Since it's never worked, and that's how governments (democratic) came into existence, your philosophy would throw us back into the dark ages.
Government isn't a bad thing per se, it's usually the idiots in them that cause the problems. There should just be two levels of Govt, National and local. I would do away with State Govts - unnecessary.
Ah your going to extremes... though I'd take anarchy over a complete Orwellian dictatorship any day.
Government is a necessary beast that must be kept on a very short lease under a watchful eye of the governed.
You're right. Government needs to be kept in check by the governed - not by Big Business interests.
So you now see why Socialism is the way to go. It's democratic and participatory. I knew this right wing fascism you espouse was just a front.
Ah, so which Leftist government did the governed have a say?
NAZI Germany?
Russia under Stalin?
N. Vietnam?
Saddam's Iraq?
... there's just so many to choose from :)
Saddam was never a leftist, he was a military dictator - supported by US interests, Stalin was another military dictator. Nth Vietnam under Ho was a nationalist and populist uprising against the Dutch imperialists (it was a colony), Mao would have gotten nowhere if it weren't for the corruption and atrocities committed by Chiang Kai-Shek (Mao was a also a military dictator), Castro's movement was again a populist uprising against the corruption of US Business interests and their puppet Batiste - and Cuba continues to have a populist socialist govt because their lives are still better under Castro than what it was under US domination. As to Hitler, he would have never been able to make it to power without the generous assistance of the German and European Capitalists who heavily financed the Nazi Party - as did Henry Ford who kept a picture of Hitler on his desk.
On his desk? and all this time I though Ford had Hitler's portrait tattooed on his ass!
They were all Leftists because they followed the same, "give me all you money I know how to spend it and run the nation's resources better than you" philosophy.
It's a shame that the Laft has to deny some of their greatest success', who knows what kind of surprises and how many hundreds of million will die this century so they can gain power?
Well Sheila and I went out to dinner tonight. The first time in ages. Though not doing the dishes was great, picking up the tab sucked big time....
Tab? What did you pay that for?!?!? You just reach in your pockets at the end of the wonderful meal, tell DW that your broke, and go out and see a movie or something with the money you saved returning to pick her up after she has washed enough dishes to pay the bill... plus a generous tip, you don't want to stiff the working bloke :)
I'll keep that little tip handy... I might excuse myself to go to the 'used beer dept' and just keep walking to the car....
Car... what the hell you driving for? You just pull out your empty pockets while the taxi is pulling in front of your house, look at DW and put the little cabby hat on her, tell her you loved the night and will leave to door unlocked for her :)
Our own PM is getting a lot of flack for 'disinformation'. I think his days are numbered.
Oh, are you Leftists in Oz hoping for a vote of appeasement like the Spaniards did? That was certainly manly of them, I'm sure France is glad to have a fellow flag wavers join their side. Thank Spain if you guys get hit with a few suicidal subway election ballots.
Well I guess that means I should thank Bush Jnr, Bush Snr, Klinton, Ray-gun and various others for setting it all up in the first place. Withdrawing troops isn't agreeing to terrorism. It's about lying to start a war. No one agrees with Terrorism, state sponsored or otherwise.
Giving into a terroists demands is appeasement, it's cowardly, and only encourages them to do it again.
The Bushs have different middle names so they're not Sr, and Jr. by the way. The interesting thing is that Al Gore WAS a Jr. (his son's name is Al Gore the 3rd.), and a fortunate son as well but the left seems to forget all that... it must be that problem with facts that is so prevalent with that side of the wing :)
I agree that giving in to terrorist demands is letting them win. However; creating terrorists is just as bad. It seems that this is OK as long as they're not terrorizing us. Other people don't seem to matter, as long as it's not us.
I agree with the Spanish on this one. W wanted the war, let W fight it. The UN was doing it's job, it just wasn't doing it fast enough. There were other ways for regime change.
Ofcourse you agree with me, my well-laid, logical, impenetrable, arguments can not be denied!
If I'm agreeing with you there must be something wrong...
Obviously you forgot to consult your latest lefty memo :)
Well Washington is doing their best to find someone to blame for not figuring out that the guy who bombed the World Trade center the first time, two embassies in Africa, a US ship, a barracks in Egypt, while declaring a holy war on us was going to bomb us on 9/11 as well. I mean can anyone be blamed? It's not like we sold Syria cell phone blocking technology and made it harder for our CIA to infiltrate groups like Al Qaeda... well, maybe we did :)
Anyways, this is going to accomplish absolutely nothing, those who hate W will still hate him, those who love him will still love him but I 'm sure Clarke (the main accuser) might make a buck or two since his book was (coincidently?) released this week.
There are many people to blame for September 11, all everyone is doing is trying to find a scapegoat instead of admitting collective blame.
The leader of the opposition here is saying he's going to bring the Oz troops home out of Iraq if he gets elected (opportunism at its finest yet again). The US Ambassador here is making threats (veiled of course) of US retribution here (but no bombs or troops on our shores yet). It will be interesting to see what the US does. Have you seen 'The Falcon and the Snowman' movie - it's based on the last time the CIA interfered with Oz politics. I guess we should get ready for another round of it.
Oh yea, since Spain has pulled their 1000 guys or whatever the token was out they're next on the US hitlist, that makes a lot of since.
Falcon and the Snowman? Never heard of it, who's in it, when did it come out?
Falcon and the Snowman has Sean Penn and I forget the other actor (who is now famous). It was made about 10-15 years ago. It's quite good. Your Video shop might have a copy.
Sean Penn? Oh hell no, I don't see anything with that Jane Fonda wannabe in it!
If I were a celebrity I would keep my mouth closed about anything but what your famous for, your not going to do anything but alienate half of your potential audience!
Unfortunately being famous makes them think they're intelligent, which isn't the case. Prezident Ray-gun being a prime example. Weren't half the California hopefuls a bunch of has been actors? Look who they voted for, and got!
Still 'The Falcon and the Snowman' is a good movie.
Did you see Mystic River? Best thing Eastwood did since 'The Unforgiven', one of my favourite westerns.
Mystic River? Wasn't that a chick flick? DW wanted to see it too, it was immediately ruled out, the only thing worse than a chick flick with a has-been tough guy/politician is a film with a want-to-be political activist that is supposed to be based on historical fact!
The movie you need to see is Fight Club with Brad Pitt and Ed Norton, not the type of movie your expecting it to be.
I'll borrow it out on the video. I like Ed Norton. Brad Pitt bores me to tears. I'm re-reading Lord Of The Rings at the moment. Have you read it?
Over 20 years ago! I barely even remember it, the third movie should be coming out on video soon. I know this because the clerk at the toy store was nagging me to pre-order it as I was checking out.
I didn't open up that last email you sent me, it came as an attachment... and we know about attachments now, don't we?
I've tripped across some worm or trojan that has hijacked my home page. Every time I change it, the program changes it back. I went through last night and deleted what I thought could be causing the problems but there it was again when DW re-booted the PC.
Ofcourse, I could just not turn the PC on anymore... that would show them!
No sweat about opening the attachment. I can understand that, as a matter of fact I do exactly the same (as well you know). Stuff from my work email is 99% safe as we have stacks of every possible scanning and cleaning device known to man that's updated hourly.
Your company could get their firewalls updated every minute, some little geek will eventually figure out a way to screw up the software from his parents basement 100s of miles away anyhow.
There should be stricter consequences for people who decide to do things like that. If I were to get my kicks going around screwing up the engines in people's cars they'd have my balls on the chopping block!
I played a DVD on my PC for the first time tonight, now all I need is some headphones and I completely tone out the family all together!
I've played a DVD once on my ibook. It was OK, nothing brilliant, but then it's only a small screen. I guess one day I'll have to buy a DVD player and increase the profits of the capitalist exploiters, though video is just as good. Not that they're making videos like they used to, forcing you to upgrade for a lot of unnecessary technology.
I like how you can just skip to the next scene without fastforwarding and the fact that they can do director/actor's voice-overs to discuss the scene while the movie plays but I don't see any better quality. Ofcourse I don't have a digital TV yet either. You going to have to give them capitalists your money as well!
Oh but only if we all lived in a socialist society, then we would all think radio was still pretty cool :)
I like Radio. I can see you're irrevocably trapped in consumerism - gotta have...gotta have... even if you don't use it.
Simplify your life B1... GreeenAcres is the place for me..... as Eddie Albert used to say.
Hell I carry a conversation on with you everyday... how much more simpler can I lower myself?!?!?
As I deign to converse with you, you should consider yourself exulted. I look upon you as 'the grasshopper' who is yet to walk the rice paper.
Well out with Sheila for dinner tonight with a couple of mates. I've been ordered to behave....
I guess that means to use the soup spoon and not drink it straight out of the bowl.
You should view me more like that crazy monk that lived in the attic who used to refer to "Grasshopper" as "Piss-ant" and would show up on occasion in the west to be a pain in the ass for our little David Carradine who acted like a China-man by squinting his eyes. :)
It's probably a good thing that Lee didn't get the part he had created otherwise he would never had made Enter the Dragon with... Jim Kelly aka: Black Belt Jones
"Stay here bro, I might havta bus' some teef... and I might even get kilt!"
Did you hear about the man out east that stabbed two relatives after they criticized his table manners? The worst part about it - he used the wrong knife.
~Jay Leno