Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The package from down under

I got a package in the mail today from a chess buddy in Australia, he sent me a tube of vegemite and a flag.
DW is like, "You can buy that stuff in the store."
"Na-aaa!" I growl
"It's right next to the peanut but..."
"BUT IT'S NOT FROM OZ-TRALIA!!!" I interrupt.
"It's made by Kraft" she points out.

Women, can't live with 'em, can't chop them up and bury them in the backyard... well, not to many times or the authorities get suspicious.

He and I exchange packages on a regular basis a real nice guy but a true believing socialist, the conversations can get really interesting. I'll copy and paste a few of them here in the future. Anyways, he mentioned that the vegemite was best on toast so I toasted a few pieces of bread in the oven, put a healthy layer of the spread on one and sampled...

I almost bit my tongue off trying to get the flavor out of my mouth so I did what any husband would do, regained my composure, pretended I liked it and called DW into the kitchen to try.

She said it tasted like intense soy sauce. With her on my side we then went after the kids (yes, we have a very vindictive family), 2S said it tasted like Play-doh, 1S gave it the best review saying it tasted like baloney... but doesn't want anymore.

I don't look at my actions so much as a prank as I do a scientific study... 4 out of 4 Americans don't care for vegemite now where's my government grant? Hey, that reminds me, I bought one of those squirt tubes that you fill with water and you put under the toilet seat a few weeks ago but haven't seen it around. DW must have saw it and intercepted it :(

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
~Will Rogers

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