Monday, October 11, 2004

Apparantly L.Cpl. Andy Topetzes is upset that he has to fullfill his reserve duty. Fellow Marine Daniel Richards, also on leave from the Iraq attack, has a nice response that he posted to the group:

Hello, I'm brand new to this group and this is my first yahoo account in a few years. I'm also Jamies older brother and I'm home on leave as my tour of duty in country, in Iraq, with the UNITED STATES MARINES just ended. I've PROUDLY volunteered to go back because our job there is far from completed. I will be home long enough that I'll be able to vote on November 2nd, and you all can bet your ass I'm voting for my Commander-In-Chief PRESIDENT George W. Bush. This message is meant mostly for three people.

1. "Lance Corporal" Andy Topetzes, USMC Reserves. To you, you cowardly traitor, if you really do exist and did write the bullshit message that starts here and is continued with the link included, I
STONGLY suggest that you don't dishonor the Corps any longer and resign because you make me and my battalion want to puke. You don't have the right to call yourself a US Marine because you're a disgrace to the uniform and the Corps. Not to mention that you know full well that this "letter" you wrote puts you in violation of the UCMJ, and I hope the Corps prosecutes you to the fullest extent. As for myself, and everyone I've forwarded your letter to, and they in turn have forwarded it to others, let's just say that IF you should ever again show your traitorous face Iraq, and we find out............

2. to "HAH" aka Gaiahemp. You, obviously have a a lot of hate in you for President Bush, not to mention for my brother. I can see why you might hate him, after all, he's REALLY dangerous, he's a gay kid who thinks for himself and rejected the democrat party after the state party offices made it known to him that they don't want people like him. Why?? Because he does think for himself, and that scares the hell out of them.

They want brain dead sponges like you who will unthinkingly believe and follow anything they tell you. Your many posts here prove that you are EXACTLY the kind of gullible fool that Jamie, and our uncle have said you are, and therefore perfectly suited to be a Democrat. But, tell us all one thing if you can. WHY do you hate President Bush so much? What did he ever do to you to deserve this hate? What did this country ever do to you to deserve it?

One of your recent messages makes a point of your anger or outrage over how THE KNOWN ISLAMIC TERRORIST PRISONERS AT ABU GRAHIB PRISON WERE TREATED BY A FEW OF OUR TROOPS. It DOES NOT, however, mention anything about how angry you are at the terrorist cowards who beheaded Daniel Pearl, Paul Johnson, Nick Berg. It DOES NOT say anything about how angry you are at the terrorist cowards who ambushed American Businessmen and burned them alive then hung their bodies on bridges or other places and celebrated over it. It DOES NOT mention your anger at the terrorist cowards who took over the school in Breslan, Russia and massacred
over 300 innocent children and adults before the usiian military went in and ended the seige. Based on your previous posts, I suspect that you are more angry at the Russian Military for ending the seige than you are at the terrorists for starting it. MOST OF ALL, NONE of your posts that I've read, in this group anyhow, says ANYTHING about your outrage and anger at Al Qaida and/or the 19 terrorists that killed over 3,000 U.S. citizens on September 11, 2001. On the other hand, I DO REMEMBER reading one of your posts that Jamie saved where you outright justify the terrorist cowards, mostly FROM OUTSIDE OF IRAQ, who are killing our troops AND INNOCENT IRAQI and/or world CIVILIANS, to keep Iraqis enslaved under people like Saddam Hussein. HOW DO YOU JUSTIFY THIS, AND STILL DARE TO CALL YOURSELF AN AMERICAN?


FINALLY, the last person I have a question for is "Howard Scott Pearlman."

Do you have a living brain cell in your head? Do you have ANY ability to think for yourself like my brother, his friends, and the majority of the members of this group do? I really doubt it.

EVERYTHING you've posted, just like everything Gaia has posted, came directly off any number of Anti-American, Anti-Bush websites that I've looked over on Jamie's computer because he has them bookmarked so he can know what kinds of bullshit they're spewing to brainless asses like you and Gaia.

I know this is going to upset you three a lot, but contrary to the brain dead garbage that you repost here from your hate america websites, WE ARE WINNING the war on terror, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and everywhere else. The fact that the liberal media, who desperately wants Kerry to win only tells us about the bad news will NEVER change the fact that we're winning and the people of Iraq, AND THE WORLD, ARE better off since Saddam was knocked out of power.Get used to it. And get used to the idea of four more years of President Bush because he is going to win re-election.I know of about 150,000 absentee military ballots for him that WILL be counted, no matter how the democrats try to stop it.

~Daniel Richards; USMC

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