Thursday, October 21, 2004

Bush Rally - Daytona Beach

T'was the day of the Bush Rally - Daytona Beach,

The Prez was committed to give us a speech!

I switched with a coworker to attend the event,

And dressed like a patriot which was time so well spent.

In my Bush/Cheney t-shirt and "W" pin,

I set off quite early full of vigor and vim.

My Corolla was decked out in I-love-Bush stickers,

And my "Kerry as Batman" brought plenty of snickers.

Off to Orlando to pick up my date,

My niece Erika who saved me from fate.

Who agreed to accompany me to the fete',

So I wouldn't be lonely, her time she sublet.

On "W", On Cheney, On Condi, On Karl,

We chanted as we passed, each Kerry-ite car.

With our focus on conservative values we flew,

Past Melbourne, and Titusville, Edgewater too.

We arrived in Daytona, and searched for the site,

And finally found it with a bit of a fight.

The line was quite long, as it snaked through the lot,

And several protesters held up signs which they brought.

Their ranks were diminished, and sad as can be,

And several Bushies gave short shrift with glee.

We bought us some buttons of GWB,

And pinned them on proudly for a nominal fee.

Eventually made it to the head of the line,

Security tight, though we made it through fine.

We arrived on the lawn of the Bush Rally ground,

And pushed to the front so GW could be found.

The day was a scorcher, our skin might soon char,

Our sunblock we stupidly left in the car.

We waited on stadium seats, for an hour,

For the arrival of Bush, his hour of power.

His fans, how they loved him! His constituents whistled,

As they watched Air Force One settle down on a thistle.

when what to our wondering eyes did appear,

But Bush, Jeb and Laura, a site that's so dear.

He pounded with glee, and rolled up his shirt,

And sliced and diced Kerry, way down in the dirt.

His plan was courageous and chalk-filled with hope,

While Kerry came off as a flip flopping dope.

We roared and we clapped and we shouted with glee,

As we watched our dear President make history.

With his tax cuts, and anti-abortion"ist" stance,

He shoots down the terrorists, leaves nothing to chance.

No mercy, no leniency, no negotiations.

These excuses for humans, with no hearts, and no nations.

They spread terror around, to all parts of our world,

But Old Glory will conquer, as her banner's unfurled.

Thank God for a man, who is sure of his views,

Not flip flopping according to the latest poll spews.

November the second is soon to arrive,

And I urge you to stop at the polls as you drive.

Vote for George, Vote for W, Vote for GWB.

However you slice it, don't vote for Kerry.

A socialist nation is what you will get,

If you vote Kerry and Edwards, his girlie-man pet.


Posted by bossmom to Conservatives Rock at 10/19/2004 10:08:45 PM

You know what's fascinating about this, you've got Bill Bennett gambling, Rush Limbaugh on drugs, and Bill O'Reilly being sued for sexual harassment. Apparently being conservative is a lot more fun than it used to be.
~Jay Leno

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