Tuesday, January 31, 2012
ATTENTION COMRADES: Do not be concerned, your beloved government shall chase down and prosecute those responsible for making this video public! The well-armed Peace officers were merely protecting the boy from... errrrrr... FLIES! Dangerous, flesh-eating flies with... swine flu to boot! It takes a lot of force to kill these tiny pests and any video demonstrating the opposite is an illusion orchestrated by your own eyes to turn you against your beloved government who is here to protect you.
Occupy DC soon to be evicted
Does this mean the homeless will now have to be issued eviction notices on their benches and under bridges before they are told to move on? Liberals just can't help but to make more knots when trying to untie one.
When the government heel is on your sandaled foot, it doesn't matter if it is the right or left... or some kind of moderate heel.
First off, I don't believe the story about him being randomly in the exact spot the Grinch has choose to stop but I do believe he received the ill-treatment he reported. Your government overlords are notorious in the treatment of dissidents in it's presence.
Money talks louder than votes
This is why the Founding Fathers never intended for the President to be elected by the masses... Senators neither.
Can you imagine the outrage people would have if we tried to go back to that system where States actually had representation in Washington though?
Quantum physics' Many worlds Theory
Does that mean that there is a world out there where people don't buy in to this hyperbole and keep their theories grounded in reality?
Dealing with Iran
When Obumbler says "no option left off table" most people think he is talking about military strikes when in reality he is talking about giving more foreign aid (of which the money is borrowed from the Chinese of course) if they just threaten us some more.
Kid suspended for growing hair for Locks of Love
Yea, yea yea, and I tried to wear Exodus concert shirts to school so I could donate them to charity a year later too. Rebellion shielded by altruism isn't noble, it's pathetic and so are the news media gullible enough to be played by these immature delinquents.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Who really owns the monkey farm?
People feeding and housing critters to the point where they couldn't fend for themselves = Bad
Government feeding and housing generations of people to the point they can't fend for themselves = good?
Do as we say not as we do, comrade, you are free to own whatever we tell you is allowed.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
I see a lot of videos of police brutality and no charges, I see no video of the peaceful protestors becoming hostile [and yes, police do have cameras] yet there are hundreds of arrests and charges...
This again?!?!?
I wouldn't be surprised if the Dims only wanted the SS advance... oops, I mean "tax cut" extended another 2 months so they can keep bringing it up time and time again before November.
Obama's new investigators, same as old investigators
Nothing that a "campaign contribution" to the appropriate CongressCritter can't fix. Same ole same ole except the American taxpayers are now paying for a whole new fleet of bureaucrats.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
NWO? Nah...
Greece has shown that they don't have restraint enough to control their own finances. If they don't want to relinquish control then the ned to leave the EU or they'll sink everyone.
Look at it this way; of you and your neighbors began sharing food stocks and one Grecian neighbor made a habit of feeding themselves more than they were contributing time and time again. You may bail them out with a warning, but if the continue to be irresponsible then either the others are going to have to start making a menu for them or they are going to need to get out of the union.
Government sanctioned murder in Syria
and the silence from the OBumbler administration if deafening.
Seems the Obama Doctrine is to only call for the overthrow of countries that have been friendly to the US during uprisings while adversaries beat, bomb, and shoot their populace back into place.
Leaving it to the Judge whether cameras are allowed or not is like asking the Mob if there should be more cops on the street
Cameras should be CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIRED in courts as well as during any council between the Defense, Prosecutor, and/or Judge in these modern times. It keeps the process honest, transparent and, sets a record for review if appeals are requested.
Obama to cut federal funding to colleges? Yeeeeeea, riiiiiiiight...
OBumbler knows the reason he has support among the college age is because the staff indoctrinate them so. Both he and the faculty know the federal teet will never be cut off because that major voting block will then be "educated" toward a third party.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
To the moon, Grinch
Only government would be so wasteful with funds as to colonize a place that has no possibility of repaying the funds required to get it started, no strategic value, and no way of being self-sufficient for at least a century.
The Muslim Brotherhood has hardened their heart
Instead of locusts and frogs this time it will be SEALs and Marines!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Cat killing HOAX!
In the meantime animal lovers will be opening up their accounts and send money to the DNC which won't be refunded when the hoax is revealed. Dims do this every few years, they stage attacks on themselves and try to blame the Pubs for it. Mark my words, a few weeks from now it will come out the guy did it himself, the media will report it but it will be buried unlike today, but the lAft will already have the bonus of having their base stirred up a bit.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
The Wild Side
That Croc is just lucky Marky Mark wasn't on that shore with his kids cause it wouldn't have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood then him saying, 'OK, we got a new pair of gator boots to wear to the next Premiere!'
Friday, January 20, 2012
If a blogger had wrote this story
He would be labeled a racist so fast by the same people getting gaga eyes over this lame attempt at audience manipulation. The only song I want to hear him sing is his Swan Song.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Dey'll beee bock!
SOPA/PIPA may be dead for now but history shows that a future Congress' will just rename them and try to pass them again and again until the people grow tired of defending their rights or can be scared [imagine a world wide virus that destroys millions of computers] into giving them up.
This is the way government works, this is why they should have as little power as necessary.
No lifeboat to fall in when you're on the Perry-Ferry
Grinch, Romblo, Sanny... they're all the same candidate. There is only one that has always been apart from the others, there is only one who won't act like it's just Obama's second term who is currently acting like it's Bush's 3rd term.
SanRomblo tie?
Gee, when it was reported Romblo had 8 more votes in was a win according to all the media, now he loses by 34 and it's a tie?
ABC got Drudged
ABC so wishes they could have held on to this in case Grinch got the GOP nod so they could play kingmaker like they tried to do to Bush. Being outed by Drudge forces them to play their hand well before they intended to if ever.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Environmentalists - 1, Unions - 0
Well there is your answer people, the enviro card trumps the union card.
Now we have to match up the union card with the gender card to see which one gets fourth and the enviro card vs. the race card to see who is king!
Abandoning Ship?
If that ship were an analogy for the US and our politician the Captain, then it would seem the kids are thrown under the ship so that it can stay afloat for just a little longer while "the adults" party the night away...
Iran offers toy Predator to the US
OBumbler can put the toy replica next to the anti-American Chavez gave him a couple years ago and the fool took it with a smile.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Life before the Nanny State
You mean if we get rid of all these entitlements I'm going to have to actually support my own grandparents and parents instead of pawning them off on the rest of society to?!?!?
You mean the church is going to be expected to like... actually feed and cloth the poor instead of using the pulpit to tell us who to vote for?
You mean, I'M going to have to work if I want to eat and if I want charity I'll have to ask for it myself instead of doing it covertly through my local welfare bureaucrat?
Greeks are wonderful fun-loving people
Seems when it's time for that "fun-loving" to be paid for that they're not so wonderful. Everyone is nice when they're partying on someone else's dime.
Monday, January 16, 2012
And then there were... five?
The Grinch isn't on the ballot in SC, Steve Colbert has more of a right to be at the debate than he does.
MLK was no heroe
I for one would be much more receptive of the holiday if we built statues to, and celebrated, those unnamed heroes who had the water hoses and dogs unleashed on them instead of naming it after the guy who would show up at the beginning when the cameras were there and made sure he was arrested and sitting in a nice safe cell when the fury was unleashed.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Dim advice
What is frightening is that there are plenty of RINOs who will follow this harpy's call to their doom.
Separation of Church and State?
An endorsement from S.Carolina Christian leaders is akin to a kiss from Judas. These guys haven't picked a correct candidate in a long time.
Abandon ship
Had the Captain been piloting a nation he would have simply shrugged his shoulders and blamed it on the guy that was at the helm before he was...
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Tough Times
Gone are the days when once can flash their city employee ID to get out of a ticket... you have to be a Judge to still be able to do that.
Why spying myths exist?
All these online spying myths exist because people are egotistical and desperately want others to care more about them than they actually do... even if it's negative attention.
Downgraded Europe
All this and the US is full steam ahead to raise the debt ceiling once again. If the US doesn't receive another downgrade before the summer begins the S&P needs to apologize to Europe.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Iranian Truther
Ahmadinedschad is a huge Michael Moore fan so in honor of Fahrenheit 9/11 I am going to claim that the Iranian government is responsible for killing it's own scientists.
Obama to consolidate government?
2000 jobs phased out as people retire, yea, that will make up for the 25,000 jobs he has added to out already bloated bulimiacracy!
Rich vs. poor?
The biggest conflict, not only in the US but worldwide, is between the earners and the moochers.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
2012 X-Factor?
They think they're safe if they talk RP out of going 3rd party just by accepting a "policy statement" everyone knows the worthless, spineless, Pubs won't hold to?
Just because he doesn't go 3rd party himself doesn't mean his supporters won't.
Quite frankly, I'd rather have OBumbler in the WH with a Pub House and Senate to keep him as a snipped, lame duck like Clinton was his last 6 years and Bush his last 2 than have Romblo in there acting like the next Nixon trying to placate the lAft with any social program they can think of but WE can't afford!
Must be cultural...
Guess I'm the only one puzzled how a nation builds "towers to his immortality" for a DEAD guy?
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Hang up the suit Grinch
Your time has passed, back to your cave. We're not impressed with your promises of giving us back our own presents...
This is what Democracy looks like
When have the primaries ever been this fun?
Moron showed up with an OBumbler jacket [1:12], he probably doesn't know the main election isn't until Nov.
Paul proved that he isn't going to take a man's words out of context to attack him and, running second, Paul stands to be the one most to benefit out of it.
Quite frankly we need a man that likes to fire people; that likes to fire Washington bureaucrats, tear down unnecessary programs and remove redundant positions. No Pub is willing to do that but Paul.
Sanny Shriven
Looks like it is time for Huntsman to be vetted as the people don't
want Romblo and the party/media don't want Paul...
Monday, January 09, 2012
Jesse responds to assault allegation
"The Body" has a point, if this incident happened there would be more witness' coming out, time will tell I guess. Here is Ventura's interview on Alex Jones.
Rob from poor to give to the other poor
The Grinch and crew are quick to rein in spending on food stamps and other welfare but then they want to spend that money on other programs which keeps government bloated!
Neither party is interested in shrinking government and allowing people keep their own earnings which would be the biggest help for all.
Amazes me how people who "need" food stamps find money for cell phone plans, AC, cable television, name brand clothes, computers, internet access... how about an Occupy movement to get corporations AND PEOPLE to quit mooching?
What a Smart Kid
I was eating lunch on the 20th of
February with my 8-year-old
Granddaughter and I asked her, "What day
is tomorrow?";
She said "It's President's Day!"
She is a smart kid.
I asked "What does President's Day mean?"
I was waiting for something about
Washington or Lincoln .... etc.
She replied, "President's Day is when
President Obama steps out of
the White House, and if he sees his shadow we have
one more year of unemployment."
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Friday, January 06, 2012
Paul dissed again!
He is in second place according to straw polls yet FOX shows pics of Romblo, Grinch and Santorum on the main page! I guess the people's vote isn't going to stop the media from picking our candidate for us...
Strait Sorrows
If Iran were to block the strait and the military were unleashed the blockade MIGHT last a hour. Bumbler foreign policy towards Iran seems more inclined to ask them to stop... maybe even say please if things get hectic.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
She looks so animatronic in her denial of reality like the gay love child of Algore and Baghdad Bob.
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Bodyslammed on the head a few to many times?
I'd like to hear Jesse's side of the altercation but I think we need to fly a squad of Mr. Kyles around to funerals that Westboro Church will be attending.
Sounds like a good start to me
Make the same cuts in entitlement programs and I'll vote for OBumbler come November... the Pubs sure aren't interested in reducing government, you run on a Pub ticket with a platform like that and you're labeled "crazy" and unelectable by the blue-bloods.
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Santorum Siditions
This news is very disheartening, is there not SOMEONE that has DC ambitions that hasn't dipped a toe in the cesspool of corruption?!?!?
All the more reason these bozos should have as little power and regulation over all of us as possible... which NEITHER PARTY seems interested in once the elections are over.
The U.S. budget explained as a Household budget:
U.S. Tax Revenue $ 2,170,000,000,000
Federal Budget $ 3,820,000,000,000
New Debt $ 1,650,000,000,000
Existing National Debt $ 14,271,000,000,000
Interest Payments on Debt for 2011 $454,393,280,417
Recent Budget Cut $ 38,500,000,000
Now, remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a house hold budget:
Annual Family Income $ 21,700
Money the family spent $ 38,200
New debt on credit card $ 16,500
Outstanding balance on credit card $ 142,710
Minimum Payment $4,543
Total budget cuts which some politicians are proud of $ 385
The new Jersey Style?
I don't think this is what Christi had in mind when he said he would "return Jersey style" if Iowa didn't vote Romney...
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Monday, January 02, 2012
Shotgun Legislation
Banning guns would eliminate this kind of problem... and banning fire would take care of the LA arsonist, no doubt!
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Stevie Johnson benched
Johnson should have had a gospel message written on his shirt then it would have been OK:
Ezekiel 23:20
They forgot one
How about the DOJ suing the States for doing the job THEY'RE Constitutionally mandated to do but don't?
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