Thursday, November 23, 2006


   Thursday is Thanksgiving. President Bush will have a very small gathering for dinner. He’s invited his allies from Congress.
    ~Alan Ray

Monday, November 20, 2006


     Gasoline prices are going back up across the country. With the Democrats taking control of Congress, the oil companies need to raise money for their legal defense fund.
    ~Jake Novak

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


    This was a big week. Democrats won in places they were never even competitive before--like America.
    ~Bill Maher


    Troops in Iraq don't get beer because it may offend the Muslims. That's wrong. How can I enjoy my nachos and beer if those putting their life on the line can't enjoy theirs? Troops should be able to have their beer in any country, and those offended by it should remember that out military is heavily armed and likes to kill stupid jerks.
    ~Frank J.

Monday, November 13, 2006


    ... the American Idiot Collective evolved into intelligent and discerning voters – as they demonstrated Tuesday by returning Congress to its rightful owners. No one knows for sure how it happened, or who deserves the credit for educating the mindless sheeple herd and bringing their collective IQ out of the double digits. Whether it was Cindy Sheehan’s wailing, Al Gore’s bloviating, Hillary Clinton’s screeching, or Barbara Streisand spewing obscenities at her audience, Americans have finally opened their minds to the brilliant light of progressive reason.

Friday, November 10, 2006


    That's it, folks, America's over. At this point we might as well just give it back to the goddamn Indians. We'll see how they deal with foreign enemies bent on their destruction. Here's your cake, terrorists, there you go, enjoy. Tastes like surrender!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


    There's nothing in this world sadder than politicians who take themselves seriously. 

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


    You see, it's fine to openly and shamelessly engage in behavior that you know is wrong, but to do it secretly and behind closed doors while encouraging the naive and impressionable herd to refrain from such activity is the height of hypocrisy.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


    Here’s some inside showbiz news. There’s lots of troubles at NBC. As many as 700 employees will be fired at NBC. Things are so bad that the NBC peacock was found in a KFC bucket today.